Crested Butte Oxygen Rental

Crested Butte Mountain

Crested Butte is a favorite among several of our owners.  Admittedly Crested Butte doesn’t receive some of the snow totals as other mountains we serve (CB averages 253” annually), and it certainly doesn’t rank highest for skiable terrain at just over 1500 acres, but what CB does have is some of the steepest and most technical terrain located within a resort in North America. When the snow-gods and ski patrol align to ensure access to this truly amazing terrain, Crested Butte is hard to beat for a ski destination.  Unlike many of our other CO markets, Crested Butte and Gunnison County receive their highest number of visitors in the Summer due to their unmatched singletrack and hiking trails as well as Gold Medal fly fishing waters.

Crested Butte Elevation

Base Elevation of the Town of Crested Butte (not to be confused with the Resort Village AKA Mt. Crested Butte) is 8,909’.  The resort village of Mt Crested Butte, where a significant portion of the resort lodging is located, is actually even higher at 9,898’ above sea level.  Sleeping at close to 10,000’ above sea level means more than half of CB visitors experience altitude sickness. Book your Crested Butte Oxygen rental dates here.

Crested Butte the Town

Affectionately referred to as “America’s Last Great Ski Town” Crested Butte is truly that.  A down to earth, welcoming, and distinctly authentic mountain town.  Eclectic shops and tasty eats line Elk St (the main drag) in downtown CB.  There’s sweets, pizza, tacos, and one of our staff favorites, pitas.  Up the hill in Mt Crested Butte you’ll find the usual resort amenities like ski shops, bars, and luxury condos.  Somehow, even the luxury spots come off as classy, yet humble.  In Crested Butte there’s just not the over the top decadence and swankiness you’ll witness at some other colorado ski towns.  We can’t help but wonder: is CB truly America’s last great ski town?

Crested Butte Lodging

One of the first property management companies we contacted when we decided to expand into Gunnison County was Alpine Property Management.  We knew them as customers and couldn’t wait to align ourselves with a well-respected partner.  Alpine PM as expected was immediately receptive and we formed a partnership with owner Shay immediately. If you prefer a resort-style condo one of our owners consistently stays at the Westwall Lodge and raves about it.  Between the resort lodging in Mt Crested Butte, the town of Crested Butte, and nearby Gunnison or Almont on the river, there are plenty of lodging options for your next CB vacation.

Crested Butte Resort Website

Crested Butte Resources

Mountain Cams

Lift & Terrain Status

Trail Maps

Bluebird Oxygen’s Crested Butte Coverage

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  • 5 Diamond Lodging, Inc
  • 2 Do Breck Logo
  • Moving Mountains Logo
  • Aspen Luxery Vacation Rentals
  • Winter Park Lodging Company
  • Elysian Destinations